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Hi Besties!

This posting is going to discuss how and why you should clean your inventory and how to maintain it throughout the year.

If you're anything like me, you probably spend a lot of time shopping, grabbing gifts, and maybe even accepting gifts from others throughout the holiday season. Your inventory then becomes messy and disorganized, with countless items that you will forget to wear. Thus, it is time to clean your inventory.

Regular inventory cleaning is crucial for decluttering and organizing belongings, making it easier to find what you need. It allows you to assess what items are no longer useful or relevant, allowing you to either sell or dispose of them. A well-organized inventory in Second Life allows you to create stunning looks effortlessly, saving time for shopping and exploring new sims. This organization also makes Second Life adventures stress-free and enjoyable, allowing more time for activities like attending events, socializing, or lounging in your favorite virtual spot. Organizing your inventory can also reveal hidden gems and breathe new life into long-forgotten purchases. So if this is something you seek to achieve, keep reading below.

Step One: Purchase the Folders

The first step is to purchase each of the empty folders from my marketplace. Fret naught; these are all free. They were originally created by Thorne Dreadlowe, who gifted them to me. Now I would like to turn that gift to others who may need to organize their lives.

Marketplace Inventory Folders: 

Step Two: Copy the folders

Upon receiving the folders, you will see that the name of the main folder will direct you to the location where its contents should go. For example, when you purchase the animation folders, they will be titled (COPY TO ANIMATIONS FOLDER). To do that, open the folder, and you will see eight sub-folders. Click on the first one, then hold down the SHIFT button on your keyboard. While holding down that button, click on the final folder. This will highlight them all. Once they are all highlighted, open a new inventory window by going to the top of your inventory window and choosing the FILE drop-down menu. There you will see the new inventory window option. Click that, and a second inventory window will pop up. Drag the highlighted folders from the first window to the ANIMATION folder in the second inventory window. Once that is complete, you have completed the second step and can rinse and repeat with the other purchaseable folders.

Step Three: Make it Your Own

Once you have all the folders placed in their appropriate locations, I suggest you go through them all and add and remove as you please. As per the marketplace rules, there was a limit on the number of sub-folders I could include. So much of my personal stuff, like hair bases, eyelashes, and costume items, was not allowed. So you should take out anything you will not use and add anything you need to have. This is to be your personalized inventory organization. I personally went a step further and made sub-folders within my sub-folders for every creator in that category. So in the body parts folder, you will see a hair sub-folder. I then added folders in the hair folder for every hair creator that I have hair from. This way, when I am seeking hair from a specific person, I can easily find it without sorting through hundreds of hairstyles.

Step Four: Organizing Your Inventory

Now that you have all your folders created and adjusted to your liking, you need to start putting items in. If you watch my video and see step two, it is very easy to collect items and drop them in. I usually start with easy items that I can search for. Hair, dresses, skin, makeup (eyeshadow, gloss, etc.), and much more. If you type these in the search box of either of your inventory windows, you will find all items related to that search. I then close all folders to ensure that anything I see has not been organized yet. Then it is as simple as drag and drop.

Final Thoughts: Maintaining Your Inventory

Once you are done organizing and everything is where it should be, you must remember to keep this up. I personally forget to do this often, but I do try to unpack everything as soon as I get it and place it where it should be. This helps you not get overwhelmed by everything you purchase and it does not allow your inventory the chance to be overrun by items.

So I hope this written version of my video assists you in organizing your second life for the new year. If you have not seen the video, I will leave the link below, and you may also check the video tab on this blog for even more videos. Thank you for reading, and have a very blessed day!

~ Daisy Ray

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I purchased the folders from MP; however, the folders don't seem to have any sub-folders. Just one item that reads "Please Delete Me" and a "thank you for buying" notecard. Here is a gyazo of what I received: Is there something else I need to do to see the sub-folders? Thanks much.

Jan 16
Replying to

You are so welcome! I'm glad it's all fixed and I hope it aids you in organizing your inventory! <3

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