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Greetings, my fellow Second Life users and fashionistas! It has been a while since I sat down and actually wrote a little article about my time in Second Life, and honestly, that is a crime in itself. Though a small part of me is so pleased that I did take a break from writing because it has allowed me to experience so much more in Second Life, I have seen and done things I never thought I would do, and there is so much more to come. One of those things is landing my very first blogging job in Second Life. Some of you who actually know me in SL, you know I am a big fan of fashion, art, writing, and just about everything else that one would need to be creative for. So blogging in Second Life was honestly a no brainer. However, as I am new to Second Life, I am aware that I need to earn my way there and carve out my path. which is why I was surprised but extremely pleased that I had been accepted to blog for MILANI.

Now, I am certain you have heard of MILANI, that is, unless you have been living under a rock without any access to the Internet over the past three months. She first caught my attention when I was working on Vlogoween for my YouTube channel. She had some of the creepiest, most detailed, and just impeccably done cosmetic enhancers I had ever seen. I bought every single one of them. I'm only sad that Halloween is gone, and I do not have too many reasons to dress my avatar as a corpse. However, knowing my odd fondness for all things morbid, I am certain I shall find a reason. Regardless, it was at that point that I took notice and realized that this new creator was someone to watch. I have enjoyed everything she has put out since then. This is not to fluff her ego because she approved me as a blogger. I would not have applied if I did not enjoy her content and want to promote it. She truly has a talent, and I am always excited to see what she will come up with next.

Now I wish I could say I was completely professional upon meeting her, but that would be an entire fib. I fear that our first encounter was much less than perfect. In fact, I had worried she would snatch her approval away before I even had a chance to be happy. Gratefully, she was much kinder and more understanding. This moment will forever embarrass me, though. So what better way to really feel the shame than to share it with anyone who might encounter this blog? So, as I mentioned, this is my first time ever using BlogTex for an actual job. So when I got the approval from Blogtex, it sent along a landmark. I was obviously befuddled, but chalked it up as perhaps a meeting with the creator. So I got so excited and nervous that I even went so far as to check my avatar to make sure her alpha had not been ruined and no pixel nipples had made an appearance. Once I deemed everything suitable, I climbed on my SL teleporter and zoomed to the location that was provided. As I get there, I see a lot of things that are obviously from the creator. I think to myself, "Oh, maybe this is where you go to get the items."

So I continue looking around, trying to wrap my head around it, when I get an IM from the creator. I have spoken to creators before, but for some reason I was terribly nervous. She had been writing something for a while, so I just blurted out a hello to her. I was not prepared one bit for her response. She asked me why I was there. At this point, I knew something was not right; perhaps there had been a misunderstanding, and I was indeed not to be her blogger. I explain to her that I got the landmark from the blogtex approval and that I assumed I was to arrive. To my horror, she informs me that I was standing on her personal platform, where she creates all of her items. I felt the blood drain from my face in embarrassment. I don't know exactly how long it took, but I recall leaving as quickly as I could. sending multiple apologies. She did not seem bothered at all, but I tend to be a tad dramatic when it comes to my imagination. I was sure she would fire me, but she did not. Instead, she has been nothing but polite whenever she approves a photo or video.

This alone made me admire her more and realize that perhaps I need to just relax. It shall be a memory that I never forget. I am incredibly grateful that she welcomed me into her blogger group and that this will be the start of my blogging journey. That being said, please see the information below for the amazing eye look I created above.


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