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Am I Beautiful As I Tear You To Pieces?

When I first thought of this outfit, it was a lot more simple than what you see here. I was watching one of my favorite bands, In This Moment, and there was a scene when she was in the batch with these exceptionally long black nails. I wanted that look. So I searched forever and came across the ones from Violent Seduction. Which happens to also be one of my favorite stores. Since the glove/nails come with their Spider gatcha, I decided to go full on Spider Queen.

Searching a few more of my favorite stores, the entire outfit came together nicely. I am not the biggest fan of my photo, but I am having artist block. I wasn't going to post the photo at all, but I really liked my outfit. I wanted to share it with everyone. So, I hope you like it and more dark and creative things are to come. Welcome back to The Darkest Hour.

~ DaisyRay


Crown of Thorns by Mea Tenebra:

Tisianna Hair by DOUX:

Nocto Tattoo by Astraothic:

Tsuchigumo Spider Legs by Aii & Ego:

Latex Corset BOM by Cerberus Crossing (Free Gift):

Nimue Skirt by Cerberus Crossing:

Atracid Gloves by Violent Seduction (GACHA):

Atracid Spider Legs by Violent Seduction (GACHA):

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